Arcane – The perfect WordPress theme for gaming communities

Arcane – The perfect WordPress theme for gaming communities

Arcane is an excellent WordPress theme perfect for gaming communities. This powerful WordPress theme allows you to create great gaming websites and build a community around them. 


Arcane - The perfect WordPress theme for gaming communities

Whether you’re into MMOs, FPS games, or classic board games, Arcane can become the go-to website that gives people the ability to interact and share knowledge with other gamers in your niche community. Here are some of the many ways you can use this theme to achieve your objectives

Why choose a gaming WordPress theme?

A gaming community is a unique kind of website and requires its own theming. This can be quite challenging to do without prior experience, but fortunately, there are many premium themes like Arcane available that are designed specifically with game communities in mind. 

This way you can make your vision become reality with relative ease and avoid trying to fit your content into an existing theming structure. Additionally, modern gaming themes like Arcane all come with plenty of features that you may find useful such as social media integration, forums, widgets, and more.

Gaming Sites With Great Designs

Gaming websites are designed to appeal to their users; if you’re part of a tight-knit community and want to create a website that appeals just as much, then Arcane is a great option. It offers 2 different style designs: light and dark. 

When choosing a design, think about your audience and whether they would prefer white text on a black background or vice versa; it makes sense that more gamers would be more comfortable with black text on white than white text on black. Adding some design elements such as headers, fonts, and beautiful images to your website can help too!


Arcane - The perfect WordPress theme for gaming communities

Four Ways To Customize Your Website’s Design

Arcane is a responsive, multi-purpose gaming theme with a drag and drop page builder that lets you create an excellent website for your game community. Let’s take a look at how you can customize it to fit your needs. 1. Choose A Custom Color Scheme You’ll find a color scheme option in each of Arcane’s customizer panels, allowing you to change every color used on your site in one go. 

If you’re not sure where to start, use one of our pre-made color schemes or pick one from another site you like! 2. Add Your Own Logo Designing logos is a tricky business—there are lots of different styles out there and not all work well on game websites!

Why Use an Open Platform Like WordPress?

If you’re looking to create a community around your content, an open platform like WordPress is ideal. It is easy to use and even easier to customize, ensuring that you get exactly what you want from your website. That isn’t to say that WordPress can’t help you start building a community right away; with over one million active installs, there are many opportunities for users to connect with each other. 

While it is possible to build a private membership community on proprietary software like Vbulletin or Invasion Power Board, most of these platforms have a steep learning curve and hefty costs involved in customization.


Arcane - The perfect WordPress theme for gaming communities

Building A Community – Don’t Overlook Forums & Message Boards

One of the biggest mistakes I see new developers make is that they overlook creating a community around their games. Community building has many benefits. In addition to having a dedicated user base, it can help you create an identity and can even act as a creative filter – helping you identify what players want out of your game and which features are most important to them. 

Forums are one way to build your community; message boards and chat rooms are also excellent tools. Keep in mind that both forums and message boards must be moderated regularly to ensure that no trolls or spammers get in; do not underestimate how big of a job this will be once your community grows!

How To Attract More Users To Your Website

It’s no secret that traffic is an important metric to look at when gauging your site’s success. More traffic means more potential customers, and more chances to convert them into lifelong clients or customers. As a result, most webmasters are trying their best to make sure that they have as much traffic flowing through their sites as possible. 

Thankfully, it’s not hard to get people to view your website you just need to know how to attract more users by using interesting content and compelling design. Here are some tips on how you can make sure that your site sees even more visits from interested parties.


Arcane - The perfect WordPress theme for gaming communities

Tips On How To Encourage Engagement

When building a gaming community, you need to find ways to encourage engagement with your website. This is easier said than done, but some easy-to-implement strategies will help: Create an incentive program in which members can earn points toward rewards or giveaways as they use your site and interact with each other. You’ll want to create levels of achievement so that users work their way up through levels by visiting your site, staying active, and sharing content with each other. 

Another approach is starting contests (or even tournaments) in which your members can compete against one another and earn prizes based on performance or achievement within certain categories. Include leaderboards so users can see how they stack up against their peers.

Things You Should Know Before Starting A Gaming Community Site

For some, building a community around something you love seems like a great idea; but there are many things to consider before starting a site. If you want to take your gaming hobby online, make sure that you’re prepared first by thinking through how much time and money it will require and what resources will be necessary. 

Have a written plan ready to go so you don’t waste any time once you get started. Once all of your preparations are complete, launch with confidence! And make sure that your website can withstand external threats from DDoS attacks or hackers because both of these issues have happened in recent years for popular sites. Here are some more tips.


Arcane - The perfect WordPress theme for gaming communities

Download Arcane Free

In our opinion, Arcane is one of the best free gaming themes available today. You can download a copy of it for free below. If you like it, come back and register your copy of Arcane by purchasing a license key which is just $12. It’s worth every penny! Happy designing 🙂 

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