Kappa: The Premium Gaming Theme for True Gamers

Kappa: The Premium Gaming Theme for True Gamers

The gaming community on WordPress is enormous and diverse, making it one of the largest and most vibrant communities on the platform. But even with all this activity, there are still plenty of users who are looking for ways to make their blogs stand out from the crowd.


Kappa: The Premium Gaming Theme for True Gamers

That’s where Kappa comes in! Kappa is an all-new premium gaming theme from WordPress developers at WP Lift, featuring one-of-a-kind graphics and design that will help your visitors experience your content in an entirely new way.

What is Kappa Gaming Theme?

Kappa is a premium gaming theme designed to empower, inspire, and help you express your love for all things gaming. Kappa will allow you to easily personalize your site with features like unique skins, unique headers, pre-designed pages, multiple menus and so much more. This powerful WordPress theme is built using HTML5 & CSS3 coding standards and responsive design which looks great on all devices from desktop computers down to smartphones.

Start making money today! This premium WordPress theme is fully integrated with Thrive Content Builder which allows you to create amazing websites without any development knowledge required! Learn More about Thrive Content Builder » Start Selling now by choosing any of our plans starting as low as $39.99/month.

What Is a Nano Influencer?

It turns out that one way to attract gaming fans is with a natively made WordPress theme. Plus, as a more affordable marketing strategy, brands and marketers can use social media influencers instead of celebrities to promote their products. In fact, many experts say that these nano-influencers are more effective than celebrity endorsements because they speak directly to their niche audience in a manner that feels authentic. 


Kappa: The Premium Gaming Theme for True Gamers

Nano-influencer marketing also helps brands reach new audiences while increasing brand awareness at affordable prices. To learn more about how you can use WordPress themes like Kappa to get your message across and build your brand, check out our guide on nano-influencer marketing here!

How I Became a Nano-Influencer in 16 Months

To be honest, I never would have predicted my success. I didn’t have a huge following or big-name connections. For most of my time blogging about fashion and beauty, I was nowhere near a big-time blogger by any measure. Instead, when I started blogging in 2015, it was just a way to feel more connected to my favorite brands and share what I loved with others. 

It wasn’t until around 16 months ago that things really started to shift. A combination of hard work, luck, timing—and even a little bit of serendipity—changed everything overnight. With no sponsorships or giveaways involved whatsoever (like many bloggers), suddenly there were over 10 million impressions across multiple posts on some days!

My Story of Becoming A Nano Influencer

At first, I was underwhelmed by my campaign. But now, like a nano influencer, I realize just how incredibly simple and effective it is. Like so many other would-be influencers, I wanted to be an Instagram star and have tons of followers, but no one liked my content (very sad). 


Kappa: The Premium Gaming Theme for True Gamers

So when Kappa reached out with a proposal that suited my goals better than their regular campaigns, I decided to take them up on it. Turns out, being a nano influencer isn’t as great as it sounds—but it’s pretty fun! Here are three things that surprised me about working with Kappa’s campaign!

Key features of Kappa gaming theme

Kappa is a premium gaming theme designed to empower, inspire, and help you express your love for all things gaming. You can quickly create an effect with Kappa! The theme is completely responsive, beautifully customizable, and features 6 unique skins that match our variety of games; like Halo 2 or 3. 

You can even change colors on individual elements of each skin, so you’re always sure to find something that expresses your passion. Kappa also comes packed with loads of amazing features that will make creating a stunning website effortless – it has built-in Ajax contact forms, slider options, recent comments, and social networking integration that’s easy to set up and manage within WordPress.

Things to Consider When Dealing With Internet Fame

Now that you’ve worked hard to build your brand, please don’t forget about how to protect it. Remember how easy it is to gain Internet fame and then just as quickly lose it? Just look at what happened with Justine—she gained a following of nearly 5 million YouTube subscribers but later got hacked and lost control of her channel (it now belongs to Justin Bibber). 


Kappa: The Premium Gaming Theme for True Gamers

It’s natural to want to share everything on social media, but limit what you share online so you can maintain control over your online presence and brand. You might also consider using a social media scheduling service like Hoot suite or Buffer.

Advice for New Nano-Influencers

When I was first starting out as a nano-influencer, I felt overwhelmed. How do you get your work seen? Where do you find other nano-influencers? What do people even want to read about in a listicle? As it turns out, getting started isn’t nearly as complicated as it seems—and these tips should make things easier. Check them out below! 1. Write engaging headlines and lists that don’t give away everything that’s inside. 

Titles like 10 Tips on How to Be More Successful at Work This Year are too general and will be overlooked by readers who aren’t interested in reading something that has nothing new or interesting to offer them. Instead, try something like 3 Strategies That Will Help You Crush It at Work This Year. Also, be sure not to tell readers exactly what they can expect from your post; leave some mystery!

Related Gaming themes

Kappa uses a responsive layout that makes it mobile-friendly. So, if you like to take your gaming on the go, Kappa is your new jam. One of our other premium gaming themes, HQ MMORPG Game WordPress Theme, features an easy and robust customization tool that allows you to change colors and customize many aspects of your theme within minutes. 

This means you can easily create a personal page or site that best reflects you as a gamer without having to stress about design options or bugs. You get complete control! If you’re feeling really pumped about being able to share content with other gamers across an awesome customizable space then stick around—the whole team has some games we want to recommend (see what we did there?


Kappa: The Premium Gaming Theme for True Gamers

Life Lessons from the Nano-Influencer Community

Unlikely as it sounds, being on social media and having a massive following can be intimidating. Some days you feel like your entire existence is based on how many likes your Instagram post got last night, or how many retweets you managed to get with that one tweet about politics. 

Let’s be honest; we’ve all felt that way at some point. When we do, it helps to step back and look at the big picture—the number of people who aren’t even aware of us in any meaningful way is vast. It can feel good to have a small part in that sphere.

Download Kappa Gaming Theme Free

A premium gaming theme has one of two fates. It either becomes a free gaming theme with limited features and fewer game templates or an ultra-premium gaming theme that costs more than most paid WordPress themes. The best thing about Kappa is you don’t have to choose between those two fates. 

It’s a premium, epic-style gaming theme that’s completely free and completely awesome. When you buy Kappa, you get way more than just a premium WordPress design template—you get amazing customization options and a complete WordPress setup. Just download it today!

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